“Tanto sono sublimi e maestosi che nulla più”
The study of architecture at the Venice Academy of Fine Arts at the time of
Giacomo Quarenghi

14 December
Academy of Fine Arts
Magazzino del Sale 3, Dorsoduro 264, Venice
Press Relase
There is a subtle link between the Venice Academy of Fine Arts and Giacomo Quarenghi, a link which connected, during the final years of the 18 th century and the beginning of the 19 th , many celebrated architects, intellectuals, academics, and important figures from the institutions and cultural world of the time. It was through this web of relations, interests, and shared ethical and aesthetic ideas, and not by chance, that the precious drawings of the Bergamo architect reached our Academy, which since 1750 had been devoted to the teaching and study of the Fine Arts. As well as enriching the artistic patrimony of the Venetian institution, Quarenghi’s landscapes, capricci, and architectural designs were meant above all to benefit the studies and formation of the Academy’s pupils, particularly those of the Architecture School, serving for them as perfect exemplars of “fine taste”..
14 December | Inauguration of the Exhibition