Quarenghi and his age

1 e 2 novembre
Museo dell'Ermitage
Palace Square 2, St. Petersburg, Russia
November 1, 11 a.m., Hermitage Theatre; 2 p.m., Museum Council Hall
November 2, 11 a.m., Museum Council Hall
Wednesday November 1
Morning session
M.B. Piotrovskij (Director of the Hermitage Museum) Opening speech
P. Angelini (Osservatorio Quarenghi, Bergamo) Giacomo Quarenghi in Russia and in Italy. 50 years of cooperation between Bergamo and Saint Petersburg (1967-2017)
V. Uspenskij (The Hermitage Museum) Quarenghi and Piranesi
A.V. Kruglov Quarenghi, ancient architectural fragments and bas-reliefs: the Kitchen-ruin in the Park of Carskoe Selo
M.F. Koršunova (The Hermitage Museum) XVIII Century Baths near the Monplaisir Palace at Peterhof
A.L. Rejman (KGIOP - Committee for the State Inspection and Protection of Historic
and Cultural Monuments)
The English Park at Peterhof. Research experiences
Afternoon Session
T.B. Bušmina (The Hermitage Museum) Quarenghi and Cades
N. Ju. Bachareva (The Hermitage Museum) I.Ja. Mettenleiter’s paintings ordered by Giacomo Quarenghi
I.S. Artem’eva (The Hermitage Museum) Quarenghi collector of Tiepolo?
E.B. Ivanova (Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts) The collection of drawings by Quarenghi Museum of the Academy of Fine Arts and some questions about the study and preservation of the architect’s heritage
S.O. Androsov (The Hermitage Museum) A forgotten model of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome
Thursday November 2
Morning session
E.P. Renne (The Hermitage Museum) Catherine the Great, co-author of the project of the Portraits Gallery in the Česme Palace
D.Ju. Ozerkov (The Hermitage Museum) Vincenzo Brenna’s theoretical horizon in the controversy with Giovanni Ludovico Bianconi
A.E. Uchnalev (NII – Institute of Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism) Giacomo Quarenghi and Juri Felten’s atelier: the problem of stylistic influences in the age of Catherine II
A.K. Lepork (The Hermitage Museum) The Agate Room and Villa Madama
E.M. Orechova (The Hermitage Museum) The apartment of Quarenghi in the Hermitage Theatre
M.G. Logutova (National Library of Russia) Presentation of the collection of letters “Signor Giacomo Riveritissimo. Forty-eight letters to Giacomo Quarenghi…”
Readings in memory of V.F. Levinson-Lessing
The Hermitage Museum, 1-2 November 2017-11- 08
This year, the usual Conference in memory of Levinson-Lessing was dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the death of the great Italian architect Giacomo Quarenghi, whose activities were closely linked to Saint Petersburg and Hermitage.
It is no coincidence that the opening of the meeting took place at the Ermitage Theater, one of the most famous works of Quarenghi. The reports presented in the conference have been devoted to the various aspects of his art and his life, relations with his contemporaries, and the destination of his artistic heritage.
The conference is part of the international project for the celebrations of the 200th anniversary of the death of the artist, which also aims to promote the study of the works of the master. The reference point for the celebrations was the birthplace of Giacomo Quarenghi, Bergamo, and this event was also organized in collaboration with the Osservatorio Quarenghi.
During the celebrations dedicated to Quarenghi, the Hermitage Museum also organized an exhibition of photographs of Saint-Petersburg architectural monuments. An exhibition titled "Giacomo Quarenghi (1744-1817) Architect and Designer" will open at the Hermitage in December this year.
